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[推荐]sex bomb--有点成人色彩



发表于 2006-2-27 16:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.luydata.com/img/sexbomb.mp3 sex bomb--有点成人色彩 sex bomb by Tom Jones Aw, aw baby, yeah, ooh yeak, huh, listen to this Spy on me baby use satellite Infrared to see me move through the night Aim gonna fire shoot me right Aim gonna like the way you fight And I love the way you fight Now you found the secret code I use to wash away my lonely blues well So I can’t deny or lie cause you’re a Sexbomb sexbomb you’re a sexbomb uh, huh You can give it to me when I need to come along give it to me Sexbomb sexbomb you’re my sexbomb And baby you can turn me on baby you can turn me on You know what you’re doing to me don’t you. ha ha, I know you do No don’t get me wrong ain’t gonna do you no harm no This bomb’s made for lovin’ and you can shoot it far I’m your main target come and help me ignite ow Love struck holding you tight hold me tight darlin’ Make me explode although you know the route to go to sex me slow slow baby And yes I must react to claims of those who say that you are not all that huh, huh, Huh Sexbomb sexbomb you’re a sexbomb You can give it to me when I need to come along Sexbomb sexbomb you’re my sexbomb And baby you can turn me on turn me on darlin’ Sexbomb sexbomb you’re my sexbomb sexbomb You can give it to me when I need to come along Sexbomb sexbomb your’re my sexbomb And baby you can turn me on You can give me more and more counting up the score Yeah You can turn me upside down inside out You can make me feel the real deal uh uh I can give it to you any time because you’re mine Ouch, sexbomb, aw baby Sexbomb sexbomb you’re my sexbomb And you can give it to me when I need to be turned on No, no Sexbomb sexbomb you’re my sexbomb And baby you can turn me on turn me on And baby you can turn me on turn me on Baby you can turn me on turn me on Ooh baby you can turn me on turn me on Baby you can turn me on oh Baby you can turn me on oh Baby you can turn me on Well baby you can turn me on 乐坛的传奇人物汤姆.琼斯自六○年代以浑厚的歌声、挑逗的动作迷倒千万女性歌迷至今已近四十年,他的热情仍继续扩散中。长青树汤姆.琼斯1940年出生於英国威尔斯,1965年以“It’s Not Unusual”一曲红遍大西洋两岸,接连几首畅销曲像“What’s New Pussycat”、“She’s A Lady”┅都将他的声势人气推到最高点,连007情报员系列电影【霹雳弹】都邀请他演唱主题曲“Thunderball”,可以想见这位祖父级的性感歌星当年走红的程度,一度在台湾的电视上还可看到他的电视演唱特辑。七○年代中期之後琼斯因为喉咙开刀沈寂一段时间,嗓音恢复後专注於各地的表演,包括赌城拉斯维加斯的压轴秀;但1988年与电子团体Art Of Noise合作、重新诠释王子的名曲“Kiss”又将他带回主流商业市场,此後汤姆.琼斯在舞曲方面多有斩获。1999年他找来许多现今最炕的歌手像罗比.威廉斯、羊毛衫合唱团、裸体淑女合唱团合唱┅合唱七、八○年代畅销歌曲推出名为「英伦传奇(Reload)」的专辑,更被全英音乐奖遴选为该年度最受欢迎英国男歌手。 [SOUND]http://www.luydata.com/img/sexbomb.mp3[/SOUND]


 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-27 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
很麻烦,s e x 竟然变成了*** 请大家下载的时候把***变成s e x(不能留空格啊) 很好听的。 还有夏沁最好把设置改一下。很多默认的过滤的东西可以取消了。
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发表于 2006-2-27 17:23 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-3 10:12 | 显示全部楼层
我这的速度还行。 也就是歌曲开始的时候有那么几声:哦~耶~ [em04][em04]
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忧伤的小鱼 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-3-6 05:17 | 显示全部楼层
这个歌早听过了,可是就是看不懂歌词,LZ 能给翻译下来吗? [em04]
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恶斗 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-3-22 15:18 | 显示全部楼层
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